On Monday 8 March 2010 the whole school and convent travelled in vans and cars to the Wanganui Girls’ College swimming pool. The junior school, i.e. Forms 1-4 had been having swimming lessons there the whole term. Girls’ College having lent the pool for free, the parents had to pay only for the swimming instructress. It was great having the very pleasant and clean pool available with no-one else using it at the same time. A very nice woman from the St Anthony’s Parish, Jane Norton-Taylor, assisted Sister Rose with supervision, Jane being in the water and able to help girls who did not immediately grasp the instructions. For the sake of modesty the girls wore board shorts and either T shirts or rash vests.
The 8 March being the feast of St Thomas Aquinas, we decided to have swimming sports to celebrate. After a light lunch our cavalcade set off and found parking places over at girls’ college. Races took place in almost all disciplines including diving and underwater swimming. What was particularly striking was the progress made by the younger girls. Some of them could hardly swim at the beginning of the series of lessons and now they could swim the length of the pool in quite a respectable fashion. Sister Margaret manned the desk and recorded the winners’ points. We were very lucky in the weather on 8 March, a lovely sunny day with little wind. Indeed we have been blessed on every swimming day throughout the term with sunny nice weather. S.M. Rose hopes to keep going until Holy Week – will she make it?
Moi même j'ai été éduquée par les dominicaines en France, bravo pour votre enseignement