The House That St Dominic Built

We have entered into Term 2 of the 2011 school year and our students have had several chances already to demonstrate their skills in our various house competitions. We have three houses: Prouille, Bologna, and Calaroga, all of which will be recognized as places associated to the life of St Dominic. The girls are divided amongst the houses and take part in various competitions throughout the year to earn points. In Term 1 we enjoyed their creativity in coming up with war cries and banners and at Easter they competed with words in a poetry competition. Let us share with you a few of the poem entries.

A Song of Easter
Form Two

Everyone listen
To what the birds say
It’s a song about Easter
“Christ has risen today”

Everyone listen
To what the lambs say
It’s a song about Easter
“Let’s rejoice today”

Everyone listen
To what the doves say
It’s a song about Easter
“Peace be with you today”

Crucifige Eum!
Form Seven

O God, Who great Creation made,
And finds delight ‘mong men,
Of hatred found Thyself th’ object
As bowed beneath our sin.

Human-kind with mottled mem’ry
Breathes forth vows and then forgets them.
Fear and greed and pride and envy
Still cry, ‘Crucifige eum!’

Can I see my Saviour suff’ring
And continue in my sinning?
How ungrateful, cold, unfeeling
To despise the perfect Being!

He loved us first, and therefore we
Should love Him most exceedingly.

Our most recent competition was drama. In past years our students have proven to us that there are some fine actresses among them; this year was no exception. They entertained us with skits on Dominican saints and Prouille won the competition. Prouille leads the scoreboard with 1920 points, followed by Bologna at 1395 and Calaroga close behind at 1195.

Last Friday we had a visit from a quintet from the NZ Symphony Orchestra. They performed for all three schools and gave a wonderful presentation, interacting with the children and even getting two to come up and play (one note) with them on the viola. It was a highly enjoyable afternoon!

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