of Rosary Convent long overdue, we scarcely know where to begin the news
update; so we’ll start at the beginning.
After all, it is a very good place to start.
of 2014 was a very momentous one for us, for on January 6th we had
the happiness of witnessing the entrance of postulants, the veiling of four Novices and the Temporary Profession of two of our Sisters.
Smith from Wanganui, NZ, entered in January, along with Miss Katie Corr from
San Jose, California. The latter, due to visa restrictions, is at this present
moment doing her postulancy in NZ and then God-willing, will resume her
Canonical year in the Motherhouse. Soon to follow and enter the convent were
Miss Genevieve Erbacher from Brisbane, Australia and Miss Mary Williams from St
Mary’s, Kansas. We also have two visitors staying with us – Miss Allie Reis from
Canada and pre-postulant Miss Gloria Silveira from St Mary’s, Kansas.
always a laugh and a half. The following incident serves as a reminder to the
older generation that we are living in a modern technological world.
list of things to bring to the convent): Bible – check, Missal – Check, Alarm
Clock – Hmmm – I don’t have an alarm clock.
fear, we can always purchase one for you when you arrive.
almost forgot, don’t worry, I have one on my I-Phone
pause) Um, postulants are not allowed to have I-Phones
Novices, Sisters Dolores, Amata, Francis and Imelda are half way through their
canonical year. Their time has been devoted to the Corporal Works of Mercy
within the community, namely, feeding the hungry, washing the clothes for those
in need! A good portion of course is dedicated to the
study of the Divine Office, the 3 Evangelical Vows, Dominican Spirituality, the
Rule and Constitution, Latin, Music, the Summa and Prayer. United with the Holy
Family in their Hidden life, our little Novices are learning to lead a life of
Holy Obedience, hoping of course to grow in wisdom and grace in their most
important year of Spiritual Formation which will set the foundation for the
rest of their religious life.
Second Year Novices, Sisters Anna, Columba, Jordan and Bernard, have plunged
into the apostolate with angelic zeal, ever mindful of the Dominican spirit: Contemplare
et contemplata allis tradere. Sisters Anna and Columba have been busy completing
a Post Graduate Teaching Diploma as well as teaching Catechism at St Thomas
Aquinas College while Sisters Jordan and Bernard have been completing a
Bachelor of Arts through Tabor College, juggling religious life and school classes too!
They have also been a great asset this year, fulfilling the offices of
Infirmarian, Chantress, Vestiarian, Sacristan and Assistant Fundraiser. Only
just recently, on a trip to complete an IELTS English Test for Teacher
Registration, one of the Novices was approached by a lady interested in the
Catholic Faith. We are very pleased to announce that she now wishes to become a
Catechumen and is preparing herself for the Sacrament of Baptism. A young girl,
who recently took up the offer of tutoring from one of the Sisters, is now preparing
for three Sacraments within the next few months: Confession, Communion and
Confirmation. Please pray for these two souls, as well as for the Sisters just
mentioned, who are at this moment studying the Vow of Obedience, preparing for
the day when they will solemnly and publicly give themselves wholly and
entirely to God by way of the three Evangelical Counsels. A Sacrifice, which
after the Holy Mass and martyrdom, cannot be equalled in this life (Fr Louis
Colin C.S.S.R.)
the topic of upcoming events, I may as well add now that we will have the
happiness of attending a retreat in January conducted by two Dominican Friars
from Belgium who will then go on to give the Priests Retreat in Goulburn after
our 2015 ceremonies on January 18th. We are very much looking
forward to Dominican Rite Masses again and seeing our Sisters from NZ who will
join us, as well as our Dominican male counterparts.
Professed Sisters, Srs Johanna and Thomas, were not long together after their
Temporary Profession on January 6th. Sr Johanna, now O.P., was
assigned to NZ to teach Maths, look after the bursar work and study, while Sr
Thomas O.P. was assigned to remain at the Motherhouse house to continue her
study in the Post Graduate Teaching Programme and teach at St Thomas Aquinas College.
Building of the Motherhouse, this has become a number one necessity of late.
With more ladies and a Sister on the way this year, and at least 3 Postulants
booked in for next year, we have absolutely no room. It has become imperative
therefore that we build at least half of our Motherhouse by January 2015. At
present we have 16 living in a house which includes Sisters outside in cabins,
one in a walk-in-wardrobe, some sharing rooms etc. This is what it looks like
in the morning when we all zone in for breakfast. As you can see, it is far
from ideal for a house of religious formation.
kind parishioner donated a caravan and a spare vehicle which have proved very
very handy indeed, although we do have a very funny tale to add here. New to
the prospect of Caravens on our property, what was our utter astonishment one
morning, when after carefully preparing it for a visitor, we found on going to
Chapel the next morning that the Caraven had tilted. The occupant had turned
over in the night and the Caraven, not fastened to the ground, had moved with
her like a see-saw. What we saw in the morning was a hilariously funny sight,
one end on the ground and one end high in the air: we wondered how the poor inhabitant
had survived. She had; for during meditation we heard a huge thud. She had
awoken, moved, and with her came the Caraven. She came in for Mass as if
nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Needless to say, the Caraven is now
secured firmly to the ground.
beginning of the year, we have been busy trying to fundraise the necessary 1.5
million for at least half of the Motherhouse plan to be completed. In the first
school term a Bike-a-thon was organised which raised over $90,000.
In the second
term we organised a Jewellery and Alms Fundraiser which raised over $30,000.
For the remainder of the year, Fr Fullerton suggested a “Sponsor-a-Room”
Fundraiser which we have now launched and have been promoting these last few
weeks. What we have done is divided the whole plan into sizable portions so
benefactors can then “sponsor” a whole room ie: cell, office, parlour or part
of a room ie: kitchen, library, lecture room etc. Slots range in price and the
benefactor has the opportunity of having their name on a plaque in our convent
so that they will always be remembered by the Sisters. The idea behind this fundraiser
is that many little contributions add up and if all do their little bit, our
Motherhouse would be a reality (hint, hint). Almsgiving too is always rewarded abundantly by God (hint,
hint, hint) AND covereth a multitude of sins (hint, hint, hint, hint). Here is
a link to our Australian Brochure and Australian Sponsor-a-Room Form. For the
U.S, N.Z, Singapore and other countries, please e-mail Mother Mary Rose
[sistermaryroseop@gmail.com] for more information. You will certainly not regret this investment.
have been in to clear the way for the foundations. Preliminaries with a
Fabrication Company are underway and we could be building within a few months. We therefore humbly ask for the
Your prayers
Your sacrifices
we may continue our work of religious formation and Catholic Education. Once
our Motherhouse and Teacher Training Institute have been established, many more
foundations can be made.
much over the next few months, and ask that you do too. This one is always
Lord grant us priests
Lord grant us Holy Priests
Lord grant us many Holy Priests
Lord grant us many Holy Religious Vocations
Motherhouse for the Dominican Sisters at Tynong, by January 2015