From The USA


If you reside in the United States, the best way to make a donation is straight into our bank account.

Account Name: Dominican Sisters of Wanganui

Wells Fargo Bank Account Number: 2 015 569 425

Routing Number: 1210 42882

Checks can be made out to “The Dominican Sisters of Wanganui” and sent to:

Dominican Sisters, Attn: Loren Vaccarezza, 2240 Paragon Drive, San Jose CA  95131

All donations to our US account qualify for a tax deductible receipt.

Please do complete the gift form and send it to us so that we can get a tax receipt to you at the end of each year.

If you have any questions regarding donations made in the United States, please contact our US bursar on

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If you would like to help us with our fundraising efforts, do contact us! No contribution is too small. Please download, print and send a copy of this form to us! We also accept prayer requests through our email.