Feast of Christ the King.

Sunday 29 October 2007: Feast of Christ the King.

Yesterday we celebrated the Feast of Christ the King. A Solemn High Mass was celebrated at 9.30am in St Anthony’s Church. At this Mass nine children of the parish received their First Communion. They had been prepared for the Sacraments of First Confession and First Communion by Sister Mary Rose, O.P. and by Miss Philomena Ockerse, one of the postulants. The First Communicants behaved beautifully throughout the Mass and Procession, which was a long one with three Benedictions, at the home of Gerard and Antonia Gregory, at the Croquet Club, and back at the Church. After the religious part of the ceremony the children had a celebratory brunch with the priests and their immediate family.

Solemn High Mass

Nine children of the parish received their First Communion

Miss Philomena Ockerse, one of the postulants with the First Communicants


Celebratory Brunch

1 thought on “Feast of Christ the King.”

  1. What lovely memories these children will have of their First Communion day. In the photograph of the children getting ready to have their breakfast, I have just noticed the little girl in front is wearing her Brown Scapular into which no doubt, she has just been enrolled. May she always wear it faithfully and enjoy the protection of Our Blessed Mother of Mount Carmel. God Bless these children and preserve their innocence.

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