The 6th and 7th of December found us celebrating the end of the school year. S.M.Catherine and S.M.Madeleine worked hard producing the reports, Sister Mary Rose organized the Prizegiving ceremony, Sister Marie Therese organized the prizes with the help of S.M.Madeleine and the postulants also worked hard, Philomena helping with the Form 1 and 2 item and Antonia helping in the school but also overseeing the collection of textbooks and the ordering of new ones for the English Department. This combined effort by the community, with a shared overview of the needs of the school, reinforced our sense of community and our appreciation of each other’s efforts.
The evening of the prizegiving was a pleasant, slightly cool evening, which was all to the good as we could have been very hot in the Methodist Hall in Wickstead Street. The Breakup started at 7pm with a welcome from Fr Laisney, the singing of the school hymn, “Hail St Dominic” and a brief sketch by Fr Laisney of the major events of the school year. Then followed a performance by the St Anthony’s Ensemble, a recently formed orchestra made up of the pupils of Mrs Antonia Gregory and other instrumentalists. They had not done well at the practice but found their form on the night. The audience loved them. There were little children playing quarter-size violins, S.M.Rose on the ‘cello with Elizabeth Smith also on the ‘cello. Philomena Ockerse, our postulant provided the brass section single-handed, playing on her tenor horn.
Form 6 – “White men aren’t for eating”
A musical item followed, prepared by Mrs Adrienne Borberg, our pianist and singing teacher, who backs us up wonderfully in all musical aspects of school life. Being a Dominican Ex-pupil she is unable to refuse a firm request from a white habit! We mark them for life, you know. Other items included a French song by Form 5 and 6 with bell-ringing accompaniment and two dear little “lambs” borrowed for the occasion. Form Six put on a play, “White Men Aren’t for Eating”, and the entire Boys’ School gave a choral rendition of “The Hound of Heaven” by Francis Thompson.
Boys’ School – “The Hound of Heaven”
We were much cheered and encouraged by a speech from Father D. Couture, the District Superior of the SSPX. He encouraged us to value what we have in Wanganui – a complete parish with schools, priests, and nuns. Father pointed out that we are the most complete parish in the Asian district.
Father D. Couture – District Superior
His speech was followed by the Valedictorian Speech given by Nicholas Kawana. Nicholas urged us to keep our Faith in Catholic Education which equips the young men and women leaving our school with the weapons they need to live a good Catholic life in the context of the modern world.
Nicholas Kawana – Valedictorian
The presentation of the prizes was a great success. The list was beautifully read by S.M.Madeleine and the children advanced to receive their prizes with a becoming combination of modesty and poise. The Dux of the school was Keith Benfell, who also won the Senior Catechism Prize. Some amusement was caused when French children received prizes for excellence in French, but fair is fair. The same children were also awarded prizes for diligence in English! The prizes had all been donated by friends of the school, who had also been given the privilege of naming their prize. This made the prizegiving highly interesting as the reading of the Prizelist was a roll-call of people who have helped Tradition. It was heart-stirring to hear names like, “The Father Augustine Cummins Prize for Catholic Doctrine”, “The Father Stan Lorrigan prize for First in Class”. We think it is good that these names be kept alive in our midst and passed on to a new generation of young Catholics. We are very grateful to the donors.
Finally, the children presented “thank you” gifts to teachers who have helped them in particular ways. Mr Halpin was given a bottle of wine and some chocolates for his part in coaching the Hockey team to winning their competition. “I don’t deserve it, but I’ll drink it”, was his comment. Also presented with thank you gifts were Mrs. Borberg (Music), and Madame Mathey (French), Miss Kurcikova (Netball), S.M.Madeleine (Netball), and Mrs. Julie Nyssen (Netball). There was a surprise presentation of flowers to Mother Micaela and chocolates to Fr Laisney. This was an initiative of the girls who acknowledged the work of the nuns and the priests by collecting money for these gifts from all, boys and girls. The evening ended with the spirited singing of “Hail to our Alma Mater” by those present.
On Friday 7 December, the last Mass of the School Year was celebrated for St Dominic’s College. Fr Couture was the celebrant and preacher. He spoke on the virtue of gratitude. The St Stephen’s Guild ceremony for the retirement of Nicholas Kawana as Head M.C. and the installation of Joseph Lavin in the position also took place at this Mass. After Mass reports were distributed and the Christmas holidays began!