Making Your Meditation

1. Prepare the night before by reading over the passage on which you wish to meditate. When you have read it over you could make notes, either mentally or in writing, of the points that seem to be particularly applicable to yourself and your relationship with God.

2. In the morning start your meditation kneeling up. Ask God to help and enlighten you during your meditation. Read over your passage again. Then start with one of the points you picked out last night and think of what you might say to God about it.

3. Either go on kneeling or sit up, but get reasonably comfortable, though stay upright and decorous.

4. Begin to make a few formulated prayers to God, leaving spaces between them when your thoughts can rise to God words or God can speak to you inspiring you with new insights and convictions.

5. Go on taking points and treating them as above. Do not think that you have to be ceaselessly active. The periods of wordless communication with God should grow until they take over your meditation.

6. Be particularly alert for, and encourage in yourself, moments of inspiration from God which will help you to new perspectives, new Christian insights, greater charity.

7. Towards the end of your meditation start thinking about a resolution you could make to carry the insights of the meditation into the day. It’s a good idea to keep this resolution simple.

8. Kneel down and thank God for your meditation. Ask Our Lord and Our Lady’s help with your resolution.

2 thoughts on “Making Your Meditation”

  1. Dear Sisters
    I just found your wonderful blog!
    Many many years ago I did my first year of teaching in Wanganui.It was also the year of my Confirmation.I loved seeing the joy on your faces as in the news clip you shared on God calling you.My oldest son is in formation as a Capuchin friar. I look forward to visiting your blog in the future.

  2. Thank you so much for this one, Sisters! I have always had a good deal of trouble figuring out how to meditate. This will be a big help; I will print it out and carry it around with me! God bless!

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